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Example of Job Vacancy and Application Letter

Application Letter

Asrofi Mursalin
19 Deandels St.
Purworejo 54114
November 9, 2015

Personal Manager
Mesiniaga Berhard
56 Mutiara Mesiniaga Larut St.
Georgetown 10050

Artikel terkait : Example of Job Vacancy and Application Letter

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to you to apply for the position of programmer as announced on job vacancy fair in Penang last week. Considering my educational background is Information Technology at Star University in Indonesia and I have worked for three years as a programmer at famous software factory, I am sure that I have enough experience for this position. I believe I also have the necessary skills to work in a team to support the position of programmer:
·         knowing the programming language of C++ and C#
·         competent in ASP, Visual Basic and Microsoft, NET Programming Language
·         responsible, creative, and have passion for the task assigned
·         work with objective and efficient
In my last position, I was able to work in team to find solution which is needed by company. I always try to make the company I worked become more advanced.
I would like the opportunity to work as part of an enthusiastic office team. I look forward to the opportunity for an interview.

Sincerely yours,

Asrofi Mursalin

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